neljapäev, 10. mai 2018

Apprenticeships and Spa

Today I spent a couple of hours with Lindsey Biggs from Apprenticeships department. She spoke about the system, how it works and how they collaborate with employers. This system is a bit different from what we have, i mean the work/based learning or in/service system, but it has a lot in common. We agreed that this kind of models are the future of VET. 

I also visited "The Canterbury Spa" at the college. Since we have this course as well, it was very interesting for me in the context of organizing mobilities for our students in the future. Here are some pictures. 

Later on I visited my students at their working places and talked to the mentors. The students are really excited and love the experience they have here. The mentors are happy as well. I still believe that a traineeship abroad is a big challenge, students are taken out of their comfort zone and left on their own. This definitely brings to their growth both psychologically and professionally, and the cultural aspect is an added value.